Widget parameter reference

This article describes all parameters that can be used when configuring widgets

Widget authenticate

Supports skinid, l and returnurl. See [Parameters available in all widgets] (/docs/tickets/selling_tickets/widgetparameterreference/#parameters-available-in-all-widgets)

Widget addtickets

eventcomma-separated list of event ids
productcomma-separated list of product ids
flowthis parameter determines the flow of the widget. Possible values are checkout, return, basket or basketwithcheckout. Default value is checkout
reservemoreticketsif this parameter value has no, the basket page will not show the Reserve more tickets button. Default value is yes
saleschannelidthe web sales channel id that needs to be used. If not specified, the default sales channel is used
ticketinfocomma-separated list of ticket info fields that the user must fill in. default is empty: no extra ticket info will be requested. Possible fields are email and name
extraeventscomma-separated list of extra events that can be sold. The main purpose is upselling. Only suited for simple events without seatingplan and a limited number of prices
extraproductscomma-separated list of extra products that can be sold. The main purpose is upselling
editsee basket widget
panelssee checkout widget
oncompletionsee checkout widget
withauthenticationif this parameter has value yes, the user must be authenticated before being able to enter the wizard. If the user is not authenticated, a login-screen will appear. Default value is no
subscribeif this parameter has value yes, the user will be presented a subscription form. Default value is no
requiredfieldscomma-separated list of fields that are required, possible values are customertitle, phone, birthdate
ticketcustomfieldscomma-separated list of ticket fields to show
requiredticketcustomfieldscomma-separated list of ticket fields that are required, make sure these fields are in the ticketcustomfields list too.

Widget basket

flowthis parameter determines the flow of the widget. Possible values are checkout or return. Default value is checkout
editIf the value is yes, the user can edit the basket (e.g. remove tickets). If the value is no, the basket is read-only. Default value is no.
reservemoreticketsif this parameter value has no, the basket page will not show the Reserve more tickets button. Default value is yes.
panelssee checkout widget
oncompletionsee checkout widget

Widget checkout

panelscomma-separated list of panels that should be shown. Default = all panels are shown. Possible panels: customer, delivery, payment, voucher
oncompletionwhat to do after completion of the order. Possible values are orderdetail or return. When orderdetail is specified, the customer sees an order detail page. If return is specified, the customer is returned to the specified returnurl.

Widget addoptionbundles

productcomma-separated list of product ids
withauthenticationif this parameter has value yes, the user must be authenticated before being able to enter the wizard. If the user is not authenticated, a login-screen will appear. Default value is no
saleschannelidthe web sales channel id that needs to be used. If not specified, the default sales channel is used
subscribeif this parameter has value yes, the user will be presented a subscription form. Default value is no
flowsee addtickets widget
ticketinfosee addtickets widget
reservemoreticketssee basket widget
editsee basket widget
panelssee checkout widget
oncompletionsee checkout widget

Widget subscribe

fieldscomma-separated list of fields to show, possible values are customertitle, address, phone, birthdate
requiredfieldscomma-separated list of fields that are required, make sure these fields are in the fields list too. Possible values see fields.
customfieldscomma-separated list of custom field ids
optinscomma-separated list of opt-in ids the user has to answer

Widget waitinglist

eventcomma-separated list of event ids

Parameters available in all widgets

llanguage code. Optional, if not specified the default language that is configured in account parameters is used. Remark that the language should not be included when generating the signature. This allows for easily generating multi-language links, as you can simply modify the language code in the url without needing to regenerate the signature
contactidthe id of the contact used to authenticate this widget. Will be linked to the order if one is created. If no contactid is specified the customer needs to fill in an e-mail (and possibly more information).
skinidthe id of the web skin that needs to be used. If not specified the default skin is used
orderidoptional. If it is specified, the widget will use this order. This allows you for example to first use the API to create a new order, and then call a widget with as parameter the new orderid to further manipulate the order. If you don’t specify an orderid, the widget will check the context if an order was already created. If yes, it will use it, if not, it will create a new order. Remark that the orderid is stored in the session, so when calling multiple widgets the default behavior is that the same orderid is kept. Not used by waitinglist widget
returnurlThis parameter should always be specified, and must contain the landingpage on the website where the user will be redirected to after finishing the widget. When redirecting the user to the landingpage, Ticketmatic will add following parameters to the returnurl: accesskey, orderid, contactid, reason and signature


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